I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in an online workshop hosted and organized by Existential-Humanistic Institute, a California Benefit Corporation (hereafter referred to as “EHI, Inc.”). I am aware that this workshop might evoke challenging psychological experiences and that I might experience strong and difficult emotions. Even so, I am voluntarily participating in this event with full knowledge of the risks involved, and hereby agree to accept any and all risks of harm that might result from participating in the activities in this event.
I understand that this workshop will include experiential exercises that might be more likely to evoke emotional - including difficult emotional – reactions than just presentational techniques. Experiential exercises might include role plays (in which a participant plays a therapist and a participant plays a client) and demonstrations (in which a workshop facilitator demonstrates relevant therapeutic techniques with a participant volunteering to role-play the “client”). I understand that if I role-play the client, I am not an actual client in a therapy session and that the facilitator or participant(s) demonstrating or practicing psychotherapeutic skills while I am role-playing is not acting as a therapist in an actual therapy session. I understand that these role plays and demonstrations are not actual therapy sessions and that they are for training purposes only.
I also understand that due to the format of this online workshop, participants might be broken into small groups or dyads for experiential learning opportunities during which there will be no oversight from the facilitator(s). I am aware that I can leave this workshop at any time and that I am not required to participate in any exercises the facilitator suggests (though leaving the workshop before it ends or not participating in the exercises means I won’t get any CEs I registered for if I signed up to receive CEs).
I agree that if I do have difficult psychological, emotional and/or somatic experiences while participating in this event, I am personally responsible for therapeutically addressing these issues and that EHI, Inc. bears no responsibility. I hereby agree that neither I nor any of my family members or legal representatives will make a claim against or sue EHI, Inc., or its board members, contractors, affiliates, agents or volunteers for injury or damage arising from my participation in this event - excepting for clear acts of gross negligence or intentional harm by EHI, Inc.’s board members, contractors, affiliates, agents or volunteers. I hereby release EHI, Inc., its board members, contractors, affiliates, agents and/or volunteers from all actions, claims or demands that I, my family members and/or legal representatives might have or make for injury or damage resulting from my participation in this event - excepting for clear acts of gross negligence or intentional harm by EHI Inc.’s board members, contractors, affiliates, agents or volunteers.
I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between me and EHI, Inc., and that my registering for this EHI, Inc. event is based on my voluntary consent and understanding of the above. I will have the opportunity to download a copy of this from my registration confirmation.